Asmirandah oh Asmirandah, I like the styleAsmirandah players sinteron birth Oktober 1989 Jakarta 5. Starting a career in the entertainment world through the ground water sinetron Single Gantung. Known since he began to star sinetron sinetron Inikah Rasnya? and Cinta SMU 2. After that the girls familiar Andah invited participate in the sinetron bemain other. In addition to playing in sinetron, Andah also have some star product advertising such as: botond Cokluut, botond Saluut, Rexona, and Suzuki Spin.

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Asmirandah oh Asmirandah, I like the style

Asmirandah oh Asmirandah, I like the style

Asmirandah oh Asmirandah, I like the style


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