Photo of Cinta Laura Collection: Artists Ngetop SCTV Awards 2007Cinta Laura Kiehl, or more popular with the name of love Laura pesinetron births Germany 17 August 1993. Daughter pair of Michael Kiehl and Herdiana, SH debutnya start this entertainment in the world as a finalist Top Model 2006. Love has a high 170 cm and weight 44 kg started this career as aktingnya via sinetron Cinderella Cinta (Love Is Only Dream?) MD Entertainment production. Lewat sinetron that he also started the community. In 2007 he was recognized with the SCTV Awards Actress category Ngetop. In the event that he beat the competitors, among other Marshanda, shireen Sungkar and Nia ramadhani. In addition he also played sinetron busy with activities to teach English to children less well.

Foto Collection :
Photo of Cinta Laura Collection: Artists Ngetop SCTV Awards 2007

Photo of Cinta Laura Collection: Artists Ngetop SCTV Awards 2007

Photo of Cinta Laura Collection: Artists Ngetop SCTV Awards 2007

Photo of Cinta Laura Collection: Artists Ngetop SCTV Awards 2007


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