Profile And Foto Kiki Amalia

Kiki Amalia is identical with that sexy body is born in Jakarta, 26 November 1981 is the model stars at a time sinetron ground water.

Kiki Amalia started his career in the entertainment world from the world model selection Aneka Magazine Cover Girl in 1995, kiki also a model of FHM magazine notabennya have grown the magazine, so the name kiki Amalia with a sexy artist. Prior to plunge the world into the sinetron kiki some models of television ads, kiki ago after it penetrated to the world with star sinetron sinetron among several titles Legend Mysteries, Wewe Gombel, bule Betawi, Jododoh What Bodo.

Biodata :

Full Name: Andi Kiki Rizki Amalia
Nickname: Kiki Amalia
TTL: Jakarta, 26 November 1981
Zodiac: sagitarius

-Sinetron / FTV -

* Legend Mysteries
* Wewe Gombel
* Bule Betawi
* What Jodoh Bodoh
* Children's Magic
* Hidayah
* The secret of God


* Earth Chain


* Winner of Femina face 2000

Foto Collection :


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