Profile dan Foto Rahma Azhari

Rahma Azhari or full Rahma Azhari Syahidah, born 17 September 1981, known as the star model and actress sinetron. He is one of eight siblings' families celebrities' Azhari, who is known for full sensation and controversy. History of women in this section once the fetus is not known at that time his father, because at that time was known Rahma maiden public. Persalinannya was eventually run in the 'isolation', which is out of reach infortaiment. Comeback from the mother is Camilla Ocean, followed later pernikahannya with a Alfay Rauf on 10 June 2003. However, their marriage diujung problems, since the father Rauf, Nurman Diah menggungkapkan that Rahma children born at that time, not the fruit of marriage with his son. Conditions in the middle of his family, the relationship Rahma and Rauf become increasingly involved in the case after the fracas at the Blowfish, Menara Jamsostek, Sunday (4 / 11) at 02.30 dinihari. Rahma confess dikeroyok by her husband of seven friends. As a result Rahma must be treated in the hospital.

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